Grow your funeral home with proprietary analytical tools and solutions that greatly enhance your ability to effectively meet the challenges of today’s funeral service industry. These proven solutions are data-driven, easy and affordable to implement, and will quickly pay for themselves.
Grow your funeral home through strategic partnerships
IFR Analytics
Contract Analysis
- Details analysis of all at-need contracts
- Provides you with controlled sales averages for burial and cremation arrangements
- Data organized by arranger and/or location
Customer Survey Administration
- Use our survey or a survey of your choosing
- The survey can be sent and received by our fulfillment center
- Responses provide customer satisfaction data for directors and locations
Management Dashboards
- View your organization’s data in an easy, visual, and informative way
- Organized by arranger and/or location
- Understand why your business is performing the way it is and how to adapt/improve
Incentive Compensation
- Develop a plan to align the interests of the directors with your interests
- Plans available for arrangers, embalmers, or a combination of both
General Consulting
- One-on-one meetings with members of our team
- Tap into our extensive experience in arranger presentation tools, GPL analysis, accounts receivable best practices, staff compensation tips, and many other valuable insights

Homesteaders Strategic Marketing Partners
Homesteaders Strategic Marketing Partners (HSMP) offer affiliated preneed marketing agencies back office support to help them grow. We have helped 10+ agencies who, starting from scratch, collectively generate funded preneed sales in excess of $50 million annually.
- Proprietary contact management
- Customized counselor payroll
- Direct mail administration support
- Lunch/Dine & Learn support
- Counselor/funeral home agreements
If you are interested in building a preneed agency and would like to learn more about the services we offer, book a call.